Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Brain mapping

A computer that can read human being’s mind uses brain images to predict what he is thinking about. There can be positive and negative impact of brain mapping. The positive impact of brain mapping is using it to detect whether a person is lying. This can be use in police force to assist policemen to track criminals. It is extremely useful as policemen are able to reduce the time spent on questioning the suspect and more time can be allocated to investigate the identity of the criminals. Another positive impact of brain mapping is that it is able to detect signs of illness. For instance, Alzheimer, we can detect this illness even before we start to age. There is an increasing number of people who are diagnosed with this illness every year, if brain mapping is able to detect the signs of illness before it happens, more research can be done to reduce the effects of such illness. However, there are also negative impacts of brain mapping. For example, we are able to view what the person is thinking. This allows us to examine what is he thinking but it intrude he’s privacy. Even though we may want to know what he’s thinking on a particular issue, we can now look at what is going on in his head. In other word, everyone will know what we all are thinking if the technologies become widespread.

If I am a researcher, I predict that human beings will use this technology to intrude one’s privacy. There are many people who are curious to know what other people are thinking about. They will abuse this technology to look at the mind of other people. To reduce the effects of this consequence, I suggest that this technology should only be used by higher authority. Even if they want to use this technology on someone, they will have to seek opinion from human rights group. This will protect the rights of the human being who will be using this technology.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

W9T2: Difficulties in writting

One example of the difficulties that I faced in my engineering class is that my notes are often written in improper English. I feel that it affects me greatly whenever I revise my notes. There are times when I am confused about some of the physics concepts because I have trouble figuring out what I am explaining in my notes. In order to resolve this problem, I have decided to summarize my concepts in point form rather than writing in improper English. I believe this will enable me to understand the physics concepts much more effectively. I think I will make it a habit to write a summary from now.

Another difficulty I faced in my engineering class is that I have difficulty in expressing in written form. I will make many tense errors that will confuse my reader. For instance, I will describe the PAP governments by writing “The PAP government is …”. The correct sentence should be “The PAP governments are …” making such error confuses my marker as they will assume that I am referring to a particular PAP government when I am referring to the whole PAP. In addition, I also make careless spelling errors in my Singapore Studies module. In my recent test, there are a few spelling errors in my essay pointed out by my tutor, this gives her a bad impression of my essay and that marks will be deducted due to the poor language expression. Thus, I should read more articles and novels to improve my English language. Furthermore, I can visit ITSELF to do some practice on my grammar errors. By improving the standard of my English, I can certainly score better grades for my other modules.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

WT3- Summary (Make solar energy economical)

The sun is the largest power source found on Earth. It gives out infinite amount of energy called the solar energy. Advantages of using solar energy are, it does not produce any pollutant to the environment, it is free to use and it can be used to generate energy from fuel cell. Sunlight produces energy to boost the electrolysis of water to generate a larger amount of energy. This can help mankind save a large sum of money to generate that much of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, it will deplete and cause pollution to the environment. This proves that solar energy is a better choice. In order for solar energy to be more comparable with the cheaper fossil fuels, engineers need to find ways to widespread solar energy; for example to reduce the cost of generating solar energy and to increase the rate of generating solar energy. Enhancing the quality of the solar cells is likely to succeed. Furthermore, through research and develop we are able to find new materials that could reduce the manufacturing price. The present price of the materials to generate solar energy is very high because it must be pure. If the material is not pure enough, it may not generate as much energy as compared to the pure material. An engineer also has to find new ways to hold and accumulate solar energy due to the changing weather condition. It is impossible for sunlight to be transmitted all times. Solar energy is seen as an important energy resource in the future.


Making solar energy economical. (n.d). Retrieved September 25, 2008, from

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Assignment 1

The fear of the consequences that “new technology” will bring is one of the reasons people resist new technology. People are afraid to try “new technology” because there are examples where “new technology” has failed and had a disastrous impact on mankind. They feel that it is safer to use “traditional technology” that they are familiar with as compared to “new technology” that has a higher risk of failing. Cynics argue that even though “new technology” might bring more advantages, it also poses a potential threat in society. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone where they are comfortable using the “traditional technology” which they think safer for them. For instance, the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident illustrates why cynics resist using “new technology”. In the earlier stage, when engineers were developing nuclear energy in Chernobyl, an accident occurred and radioactive particles were emitted into the atmosphere. As a result, many children and adults were diagnosed with thyroid cancer. If Chernobyl had chosen to use “traditional” fossil fuels to generate energy, the public’s health would not have suffered. From this example, it proves that “new technology” does not have enough safety measures as compared to the “traditional technology”. Since engineers are new to the technology, they do not have sufficient experience in planning the structures and mechanics of the “new technology” and hence, the “new technology” has higher risk of failing. In conclusion, it is understandable why cynics reject “new technology”, as they are fearful of the possible negative impact on mankind.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

W5T2: A common grammar mistake - Verb Tenses

The common grammatical error that can be seen in most of my paragraphs and essays are verb tenses. Verb tenses are generally divided into four parts; simple tenses, progressive tenses, perfect tenses and perfect progressive tenses. In addition, all these tenses can be classified in the present, past or future circumstances.

Firstly, simple tense and simple present tense uses the root form of a verb, simple past tense uses the past tense of a verb and simple future tense will need to add a modal to a verb. For instance, “will” or “shall” to indicate that the time is in the future context.

Secondly, progressive tense and present progressive tense uses a present tense before a verb; conversely, past progressive tense uses past tense before a verb. Further progressive tenses use modals to tell its reader that the action will be in progress in the future.

Thirdly, perfect tense and present perfect tense uses present tense (has, have) to indicate that the action has taken place; past perfect tense uses past tense (had) to indicate that the action took place in the past. Further progressive tense uses modals to indicate that the action will probably progress in the future.

Lastly, perfect progressive tense and present perfect progressive tense uses present tense to indicate the time of an action; past perfect progressive tense uses past tense to indicate that the action had progressed in the past before another action. Future perfect progressive tense uses modals to indicate the future action before an event.

In conclusion, we use present tense when we write something that is occurring now or future and past tense for something that had already occurred.
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*End of W5T2 task*

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Which idea in those two articles do you think is the most important to the profession?

Sustainable development is the most important factor for engineering profession. First of all, we need to acknowledge that Earth’s natural resources are limited hence it is important to ensure that we have ample supply of resources.

Electricity is the best illustration for essential resource we need for our daily use. Fossil fuels are the main natural resources that are used to generate electricity. Due to rapid industrialisation, fossil fuels deplete at a very fast rate, we as engineers need to think of new ways to decrease the rate of depletion. Possible solutions such as introducing new types of energy resources are alternative methods to reduce the rate of depletion of fossil fuels. Solar power and nuclear fusion are examples of alternative method that are able to substitute fossil fuels, moreover they are “cleaner” energy that does not emit harmful green house gases to the atmosphere.

Even though there are more advantages using solar power and nuclear fusion, people still prefer to choose fossil fuel. This is because fossil fuels are much cheaper than solar power and nuclear fusion thus it is wiser to choose fossil fuel for economic reason. Therefore, it is important for engineers to find cheaper way to provide solar power and nuclear fusion

The greatest challenge will be to replace fossil fuels to solar power and nuclear fusion. It can promote a “cleaner” atmosphere and a better place to live. This will be the best solution for both global warming and limited energy resource. In addition, solar power and nuclear fusion are able to provide larger amount of energy as compared to fossil fuel. In essence, I feel that engineers should put their priority in ensuring adequate amount of natural resources to generate energy for our future generation.